Call for Applications: HAVI-Certified Training Faculty (Cohort 4)

We are pleased to announce the opportunity for HAVI member programs to join our HAVI-Certified Training Faculty Team, an integral part of our HAVI National Training & Technical Assistance Center. This team is comprised of HVIP professionals representing a range of experience and perspectives, including frontline workers, HVIP program managers/supervisors, and administrative and medical directors.

A core function of the HAVI is to provide training and technical assistance to new and emerging HVIPs and ongoing support and training for existing HVIPs. The HAVI is a trusted authority on violent victimization, trauma-informed care, and equity, the development and growth of hospital-based violence intervention, and the professional development of frontline workers. We develop and sustain program fidelity throughout the country through standards of practice, peer learning, and targeted mentorship.

Applications are now being accepted for HAVI-Certified Trainer Faculty positions. HVIP frontline workers, program managers/supervisors, and administrative and medical directors are encouraged to apply. The due date for submission of applications is Friday, July 26, 2024, COB. Selected applicants will be announced by Monday, August 19th, 2024, and they will join the HAVI-Certified Training Faculty in September 2024.


Faculty Eligibility/Roles

      • Medical Directors

      • Hospital Champions

      • VPPs (frontline staff)

      • HVIP Coordinators, Managers, Executive Directors

      • Trauma Program Managers

Subject Matter Expertise needed

      • Safety and Trauma

        • Staff and client safety planning

        • Trauma-informed care

        • Crisis intervention and de-escalation with clients

        • Racial trauma and healing

        • Vicarious trauma

        • Social Media

      • Client Care and Trust Building

        • Conducting effective bedside visits and building trust with clients

        • Supporting clients with Victims of Crime Compensation applications

        • Client referral protocols

        • Clinical Protocols and Best Practices

      • Research and Evaluation

        • Client Data collection and documentation

        • HVIP evaluation and assessment

        • Data collection point

        • Data management systems

        • Ways to present data outcomes

      • Other forms of violence, e.g. Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence

      • Community Engagement and Partnerships (check to determine if this is a need)

        • Building and managing community hospitals partnerships

        • Community Asset Mapping

        • Needs Assessment

      • HVIP Design, Build and Implementation - Adult

      • HVIP Design, Build and Implementation - Pediatrics

      • Staff Support and Development

        • Capacity Building of Staff

        • Frontline worker support and supervision

        • Staff Performance Evaluation

      • Funding and Sustainability

      • Client Care and Trust Building

        • Clinical Protocols and Best Practices

        • Conducting effective bedside visits and building trust with clients

        • Supporting clients with Victims of Crime Compensation applications

        • Client Referral protocols

      • Legal and Ethical Considerations

      • Cultural Competency

      • Grief and Homicide Response

      • Hospital Systems Integration

      • Strategy for embedding a HVIP in the hospital system



  • Must be currently employed at a HAVI member program

  • At least 3 years of work experience with an HVIP that is an active HAVI member program

  • Must have the capacity to conduct virtual training with reliable technology and in a dedicated private space

    • Skills

      •  Training & group facilitation experience required

      • Support Content Build


All faculty members are highly valued and compensated at the competitive hourly rate of $80 for their participation in monthly faculty meetings, training planning and facilitation, provision of individual TTA, and development of training materials. Compensation is paid directly to the program unless otherwise specified in the Program Commitment Form, reflecting our respect for your contribution.


HAVI-certified Training Faculty Monthly Meetings occur on Zoom on the third Thursday of each month from 12 pm – 1:30 pm EST. Regular participation is expected.