Marla Becker Scholarship

The HAVI's advisory board created the Marla Becker Scholarship in 2011 to honor our founder and create an opportunity to provide training and technical assistance to a new or emerging hospital-based violence intervention program.


About the Scholarship

The Marla Becker Scholarship is awarded annually to a new or emerging HVIP. The winner of this scholarship receives financial support to visit an established HAVI member program and participate in a virtual or in-person training. This allows the newer program to observe an established program in action and receive assistance targeted to its needs.

Who is eligible

  • Hospital-based or hospital-linked programs that provide violence prevention/intervention services to violently injured patients, including new programs that are in development or former programs in the reestablishment process

  • Programs whose initial client referrals are based on treatment for violent injury

  • Programs whose initial contact with the client takes place in the hospital when possible

  • Programs operated by a hospital, a community-based non-profit and/or a government entity

Judging Criteria

A committee that includes HAVI staff, advisory board members, and past recipients will review scholarship applications. Applicants will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Promise: The applicant shows promise in its program’s approach to fulfilling violence prevention/intervention needs.

  • Need: The applicant expresses a clear need for a hospital-based violence intervention program based on high rates of violence and violent trauma received in their emergency department.

  • Feasibility: The applicant has requested technical assistance that is feasible and specific, shows a good understanding of their program’s needs, and can be provided by the trainer program.

  • Availability of trainer program: Each applicant will request to train with a specific steering committee member program. The program requested must be available to provide training and/or technical assistance to the applicant.

Technical Assistance

The HAVI offers technical assistance on a wide variety of topics related to starting, operating, expanding, and enhancing hospital-based violence intervention efforts. Consider the following topics for which you can request assistance.

  • Conducting Effective Program Evaluations

  • Developing and Sustaining Partnerships

  • Engaging in Advocacy or Systems Change

  • Establishing Program Goals and Objectives

  • Identifying Patients, Assessing Risk, and Managing the Crisis

  • Informed Direct Service Staff Hiring Decisions

  • Managing Vicarious Trauma

  • Obtaining and Sustaining Program Funding

  • On-going Intervention Services (after the Initial Crisis)

  • Securing Hospital Buy-in

  • Selecting a Focus Population

  • Supporting Direct Service Staff: Training and Supervision

  • Trauma-Informed Practice

Previous Marla Becker Scholarship Winners

About Marla Becker

Marla Becker, MPH, founded the HAVI (then NNHVIP) and served as the organization’s first national director. Marla worked in the field of violence prevention for 13 years at Youth ALIVE!, a non-profit dedicated to preventing youth violence and developing youth leaders in Oakland, CA. Her work at Youth ALIVE! focused on program and staff development, evaluation research, and technical assistance to new and emerging hospital-based violence intervention programs. Marla currently serves as the HAVI’s Senior Advisor on Training and Technical Assistance.

Support the Marla Becker Scholarship Fund

The Marla Becker Scholarship is funded by donations from HAVI members, who share our commitment to strengthen existing HVIPs and develop new programs in communities across the country. You can help us do that by making a donation to the Marla Becker Scholarship fund.